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If you’re one of the lucky people whose teeth come in straight and without spaces, congratulations, you may never need braces. But, for many of us, both young and old, braces are required to straighten the teeth and create a problem-free bite.

Conventional braces use small brackets that are cemented onto the face of teeth with a wire laced through that can be tightened to apply force and realign the teeth and jaw.

Many young people get braces between the ages of 8-14 as this is around the time where abnormal bites usually become visible and can be easily repaired. Adolescents are by no means the only ones that need braces. These days, more and more adults and seniors are taking advantage of the benefits of braces.

If you have alignment issues, your orthodontist will probably recommend braces. Otherwise, other oral health concerns may crop up.

-Issues with the jaw
-Gum disease (aka periodontitis)
-Losing teeth
-Problems with chewing
-Problems speaking
-Wearing of enamel on teeth

Check with your orthodontist to discover if she can perform the operation. Sometimes you may be referred to another specialist.

When you are showing off your new braces, it is important to keep up good eating habits for the health of your teeth. If your sugar intake is high when you’re wearing braces, plaque can build up around the brackets which might irrevocably stain your teeth. Also, refrain from eating foods that are tricky or would rip away at your dental work. For example, apples, corn on the cob, chewing gum, etc. You can imagine the damage that they might do.

If you are interested in getting braces, call Dr. Tuhina Roy for more information. Please contact Troy Orthodontics to make an appointment at 973-785-3035, or come by our office in Little Falls, New Jersey, today!